stop the music

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 1:10:24 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the outfit for todays shoot is bought to you by fendi and is as follows.

the shirt: blue ff terry tee. the texture is an embossment of the brand’s signature and displays this pattern over the full surface of the shirt. while the point of todays shoot is “a night out”, I could wear this to sleep with how comfortable it is. its made out of terrycloth and is as soft on the inside as it is on the outside and doesn’t really get too stuffy or cause you to sweat. it’s a little oversized at the hem so that it drops just below your waist, making it easy to match with pants or just to conceal pockets.

the pants: blue technical cotton cigarette pants. they’re more of a dark blue and are just on the edge of stylish and professional, making them perfect to match up with any pairing you place them within. they’re sleeker in the legs but a little baggy around the lower body waist-area, making them great casual pants but leaving everything to the imagination. the pockets are a nice touch though. concealed zippers on the openings and an internal that’s incredibly spacious. the downside to them: when anything bigger than a phone is placed into the compartments they look awkward and unflattering. a bag is always suggested to go with them.

the shoes: fendi match blue denim low-tops. shoes like these are certainly a fashion statement as they sport an almost used look to them. dark blue, light blue, and white denim make up the surface of these low-tops, frayed ends only enhancing its aesthetic. they easily stain, but the charm of them never fades even if you can’t get the dirt out. other than the aesthetic, the comfort is nothing to write about, they provide the same support your standard sneaker would, they just look nicer.

the watch: o’lock round. this… is one of the goofiest designs I’ve seen for a watch. it has the logo, that I will admit is pretty nice on everything else, stylized in the center, so you can’t even see the face of the watch properly. I’d be contempt with saying this is just a terrible watch, but the craftsmanship of it is great. the gold crown doesn’t scratch or stain easily, and the same can be said for the large amount of empty space on the face. along with this, the strap is comfortable and easy to buckle up. it makes a stylish wrist decoration, but I wouldn’t use this on a regular basis.

the bag: peekaboo iseeu mini. an incredibly lightweight bag made out of dark blue Cuoio Romano leather with light blue and blue Pequin stripes on the front and back fabric. it’s not the most spacious but it will hold the necessities for the night and comes with multiple straps that make it possible to be used as a shoulder bag or a tote. its perfect for light travelers.

the purpose of todays public shoot was to display the stylings of a specific brand and cater to the theme of a night out with friends. for this, a few other models had joined Sevastian for the shoot, each in an intricately crafted outfit they had similarly picked out.

Sevastian had been speaking to one of the comodels he was been posed next to as they looked to the camera, holding a smile when needed or changing poses when prompted to.

as he shared a joke with the person beside himself, a chuckle escaped, Sevastian catching his breath as he looked back to the camera… and then past it.

slowly his smile settled into a confused recognition, and then astonishment; flaxen waves catching his eyes and honing in on the figure they encompassed as it slowly bobbed away.

like a Parasect led by its mushroom, he was forced to obey, straying from his spot and tuning out the words of the cinematographer. he could only hear a shrill ringing in his ears, the sound of anything else muffled as if he was underwater.

eyes stayed locked forward as his foot got caught then untangled on a cord, as he pushed into and through the crowd that had gathered for the photo shoot, as he pushed against those that had knocked into him, before his outstretched hand slowly clasped onto the shoulder of his intended target.

... I know you.” he croaks out weakly- as his heart is caught in his throat.

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 19:40:48 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Heels clicking on the cobblestone, Alison glided through the busy street of Lilycove City, her golden locks flowing in the breeze. It was a beautiful early evening, the sun casting a warm, orange glow across the bustling street and its rooftops. Wearing a simple but stunning canary yellow chiffon two-piece top and skirt, shades, and a vintage pearl necklace, Alison weaved in and out of individuals in a desperate attempt to get to the local convenience store before it shut.

Most often then not, she was adorned head to toe in colours; strapped into bodice dresses and veiled by overtly flamboyant hats, every outing was often a dead giveaway of her career, of who she was. Normally, she would bask in it, happy to present her loved persona to those around her. Signing photos, posing into cameras. But today she had gone for something more subtle, hoping for nothing more than an unnoticed pitstop to grab some ingredients she’d forgotten for her stew.

It was ironic, really.

A hand grabbed her shoulder, causing Alison’s head to whirl in surprise.

Heart thudding in her chest, she took in the figure behind her. Crap! He’d scared the life out of her. She tried to determine if she was in danger, if this was some kind of ambush or a mugging, all the while trying to compose herself. Her eyes danced over him frantically, looking for some kind of weapon, some motive to hurt her. Nothing. She paused, taking in his countenance: handsome, fashionable, tall – wait, fashionable? A flash from one of the cameras drew her attention to the large set that had been compiled across the street, the wires sprawling out onto the pathway as various models giggled between each other and photographers cursed under their breaths.

Ah. Now she understood.

Lowering her head, her eyes looked over her shades and searched his face for familiarity. Did she know this man? She couldn’t say that a name came to mind. But from his stunned disposition, his shaken voice, his outlandish action to gain her attention, there was no denying he knew who she was.

She prayed it was for the right reasons.

”I’m sorry,” she laughed, her uncertainty masked easily with a heart-stopping smile as she pushed her glasses on top of her head, “You gave me quite a start just then. I'm .” She paused with effect. “Wrong person? Or… is that who you were hoping for?”

She already knew the answer.
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:17:13 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the backside of his hand half-hides a smile that stretched ear to ear.

her confirmation of who she was put any fears that he had in wrongly identifying his idol to rest.

for a moment he catches his breath, shaking his hands and exhaling deeply as he forced his excitement down.

Okay… I’m cool. I’m cool.

It is you. I was kinda scared I got the wrong person at first but, no, it’s you, so I was right. I’m a fan of your work, or like, what you did, I don’t think I can call myself your biggest fan, that’s a little like… self-absorbed, I’m sure there are bigger fans. You’re like my my hero, no that’s weird to say. I want to be like you, that’s weirder. Wait, I’m yapping.

he lets out an awkward chuckle before collecting himself once again. one deep breath in, collected in the core nice and cool, then a soft exhale out, you’re relaxed, you’re in control.

I’m sorry, I’m frazzled right now, this is like the worst first impression you can make on someone.

a light red pushed through the dusky brown of his cheeks, his eyes flitting away for a second before they make their way back to hers; a childish excitement gleamed from them.

My name is Sevastian Beau, obviously you haven’t seen me before but that’s understandable- you probably have a lot going on in your life.

he holds out a hand gingerly as not to intrude on her personal space more than he already has.

You’re one of the biggest inspirations of my career.

the chittering around him as well as the yells for him to return to the set are background noise, drowned out by the importance of this moment.

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 17:54:38 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
It had been a while since Alison had seen someone so starstruck. So nervous to be around someone. Even longer since it had been someone meeting her.

As he spoke, flustered and stuttering, Alison felt a bout of anxiety rise in her chest. On one hand, she wanted to retreat, feeling unfamiliar in this once familiar territory. But in the other, she wanted nothing more than to bask in it. To be reminded of who she really was. Of everything she had achieved. To be celebrated again.

With a subtle breath, she allowed herself the latter.

“Please don’t apologise, it’s okay, you’re good” She reassured him, keeping direct eye contact – listening, “I’ve been in your position myself a few times. It’s scary as hell.”

She held out her hand as he offered it, well-polished and soft.

“It’s lovely to meet you Sevastian,” she said, polite and genuine, “One of the biggest? That means a lot for you to say, wow.

"Sometimes I forget my career can be more than just a spectacle to watch on the sidelines. I never realised it could inspire as much as entertain.”

Her eyes trailed over to the bustle of the photoshoot, the staff with headphones around their neck scrunching their eyebrows in confusion at Sevastian’s sudden departure, hands by the mouths to try and get him to hear them. Her lips lifted into a small smile, envious.


“Seems that inspiration really got you somewhere. Quite popular, aren’t you?” she mused, “Big shoot today?”
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:42:15 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
if he had hair, he would be twisting it with an index right now. in this moment he was not the curated persona of a stylish model who was always in control, never caught off guard, and permanently stoic. right now he was none of those things, he was simply Sevvy: some no-name kid who’s eyes were glued to the screen, watching someone similar to his own age do things he could only dream of.

when the reality of his situation kicked in, his cheeks settled, their previously rosy complexion and the corners of his lips that pushed them ear to ear, each settling into placidity.

Yea, bigger than I thought it would be…” for a moment he turns to look back to the cinematographer as well as the crew, hands folded into a prayer as if to plead for a little more time.

with a roll of his eyes, the man who had been the controlling vector of this shoot relented, waving back four fingers, a cue for the amount of minutes he had to return.

once he had procured his timeframe, he returned his gaze to the muse before him.

Miss Alison, none of this would have been possible if not for you. I know I would have just been some no-one to you before, but I have to thank you since I have the chance…Do you mind meeting up after this shoot?

‘is this a weird question to pose?’ he thinks to himself, still speaking all the while.

I can get us a reservation somewhere if you’re hungry. Or we can just go to a coffee shop and share a drink. I just… want to show my appreciation to you somehow, and… maybe just talk to someone I adore.

maybe that talk of “never meet you heroes” is just that, talk.

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 23:47:52 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
“Oh?” Alison’s eyebrows raised at his offer. Her entire outing into the city had been in search of ingredients for her dinner, one she would later take cross-legged on the floor of her apartment. Alone. And with the time she was taking talking to Sevastian, she had a feeling the store would be shut before she even reached it. Meaning a cross-legged meal, alone, with a serving of – nothing.

His offer meant not only food, but company. Conversation.

She was happy to accept.

“You’re very sweet. That sounds lovely. Thank you. A reservation somewhere would be wonderful!” Her smile was picturesque, perfected to the point of almost looking natural. Almost. “Any preferences on where? I won’t deny that I’m peckish.

Her attention floated back over to the set, to the people who stood impatiently waiting for his return. Alison could remember times like that for herself, too. Of being doted upon. Watching as people flitted around her, redoing her makeup, polishing out her outfits, standing at her beckoning call while she simply sat and looked pretty. She missed the lights that used to shine upon her before they had abruptly darkened. Before her life had been ripped from her.

Her gaze momentarily flickered back to Sevastian, her supposed protégé, who had caught what had been thrown from her hands. And caught it well. Biting her lip, her bitter curiosity got the best of her.

“Do you want to meet up later or… Would you like me to wait here and watch?” Even though posed as a question, her fixed stare on the set gave away her desire.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 1:28:08 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the smattering of heat that formed a knot in his throat moved to form a comfortable warmth in his chest, one that settled in and slowly eased the stress that had quickly built due to the suddenness of their first meeting.

Theres a restaurant called Pelagy that I’ve heard about here in Lilycove. They serve authentic Paldean food; imported apparently. I can get an assistant to book us a table if you want. Or if you can think of something else I'll send them o-”

Beau, times up!”

his notice to move forward.

eyes flit to the set and then back to Alison, noticing that her stare lingers for longer than his own. it was obvious what she wanted, but she seemed to play coy at the prospect.

what choice did he have but to indulge?

I would be honored if you watched me. Maybe you can give me a few pointers after.”

stated almost matter of factly, seemingly infallible in his judgment of the situation.

what followed was what would come natural after such a situation. playful jeering from his peers, a scolding from the set manager, and then an almost perfect photoshoot, the comradery between the models on full display before the cameras.

the scenes blurred between fact and fiction. even if they were just modeling clothes on a set- appearing to be exactly what they portrayed: friends on a day out- you could really believe that these people cared for one another as friends would. but, as soon as the cameras had dimmed their lights, the facades dropped; most scattering, few remaining.

Sevastian was hardly an exception, as while he did keep in friendly standing with his coworkers- sure to say his goodbyes and apologies- at the end of the day, he was just as eager to leave and get to his own personal affairs as the rest of them.

he felt no need to change, what he wore was acceptable and, if need be, could be bought if the studio had wanted them back.

Ready?” asked calmly; jitters extensively exhausted during the shoot.

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 18:56:05 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
She hadn’t had the luxury of trying this restaurant he was referencing since being in Hoenn, but Paldean food was one she had become particularly fond of from her travels. Seeing how keen Sevastian was to take her, she was excited to try it, and more interested to see how it differed from the authentic cuisine.

She smiled as his words trailed off from the interruption.

“That sound’s perfect," she reassured him.

As her somewhat obvious tactic of getting to stay was noticed, her smile deepened into a cheeky smirk. 

“Well, if you insist. I’ll try not to be too picky.” She was half-joking.

Alison watched from the sidelines by the crew as he rejoined his peers, quickly getting into position. Her eyes ran over the models as her brows furrowed with focus, settling on Sevastian after a prolonged stare at one of the girl’s haircuts. Even if she wanted to be nit-picky – which in a way, she did – it felt impossible. He was a natural. Every movement was fluid, every expression perfect, every pose practised. She folded her arms with mild frustration, a pang of jealousy radiating across her chest. Somehow, she kept her expression controlled.

When he finished, the crew beginning to disassemble the set, she clapped her hands slowly as he walked back towards her.

“Well done. Ugh, look at you! It’s ridiculous how easy you make it look. Can I get your autograph now before you make headlines next year?” her jest is sweet, friendly, despite her own inner conflict.

“I am,” she responds, restyling her fringe with a quick brush of her hand. “Please, lead the way. I'm absolutely famished.”

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 6:18:05 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
a chuckle followed her glazing, eyes rolling playfully as he expanded with his own input.

Please. Small times don’t get on headlines, which is why we make our own.

Vanta wasn’t as big a name as Devon or Silph, but an idea, despite how trivial it is to most, goes a long way as long as its expanded and thought upon.

I appreciate the compliment though.” said sincerely as he refreshed his memory of the restaurants location with a quick look at his phone.

it wasn’t far away- in fact it was short enough where they could just walk- but after the noise they had made with their display, it seemed all to easy to run into one who would delay their dinner with questions or requests. he instead opted to have the two of them dropped off, a taxi called that delivered them to their location within minutes.

he was gentlemanly, opening doors when prompted and allowing her the luxury of the courted in a situation such as this. it was only when they had been seated that he truly struck up a conversation, a glance taken at the menu before it was pushed off to the side- his attention fully on her.

So, how long have you been in Hoenn? I know it’s a pretty big place and there are a lot of people but… it’s kind of surprising that you haven’t been more in the news.

even fallen starlets and burned out actors have their time back in the spotlight every once in a while after their limelight has faded out. it almost makes him bring his own fanaticism into hand. almost.

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 12:15:28 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
The pampering Sevastian showed her would have made any girl question whether this was simply a sporadic dinner or something more – like a date. Alison knew better than to let any girlish thoughts get the best of her, but still, as he opened doors for her and called them a taxi, she couldn’t help an impish smile creeping up on her lips.

Even if she knew better, it didn’t mean she couldn’t bask in it.

As they found themselves seated at the table, the ambient lighting of the restaurant and low chatter of customers encompassing them with pleasant sense of privacy, Alison gestured to a waiter for a small glass of white wine. Once she had received it, she rested her chin on her knuckles and skimmed through the menu.

As she was pondering between a paella or tortilla-based dish, his voice broke her concentration, and she looked up to meet his eyes.

“I haven’t been in Hoenn too long,” she says, taking a sip from her wine glass. “A few months, maybe? Things were – drying up back in Kalos, so I thought it was best to have a change of scenery. Hoenn is always lovely this time of year, anyway.”

She takes a moment to think before continuing. To get her words right.

“I… Have been trying to keep my profile low,” she says carefully, her words controlled. Her gaze flickers to the table, breaking eye contact momentarily. “That’s probably why you haven’t seen much of me in the media. I haven’t felt too interested in interviews and performing as of late. The limelight felt a little too garish.”

She strains her cheeks into a tight smile, placing her glass down and knotting her fingers together to rest her chin on them.

“What about you? Are you from Hoenn, or are you visiting as well? You seem to be have a lot of big shoots going on - you must be busy.”



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